The Sea Gypsy team had a fun celebration with a sit down dinner for everyone and then party, party, party. Great fun was had by all, so much so that both Richard in the UK and Jade in Dubai were definitely feeling left out!
According to Linda the upside of losing one’s hair is the fun of wigs!
WATCH VIDEOCalling all our guests that have never written a review about Sea Gypsy, would you please write us one now, either on Trip Advisor or Google? We are going through a very quiet time and our marketing team (aka Jadie & Sam) tell us we need the all knowing internet algorithm to pick us up more often when people are searching for holidays, thus we need more Google and Tripadvisor reviews. Since we have never done it before, we thought we would cheekily ask all our lovely followers if you could help us out now!
GOOGLE TRIPADVISORKayaking is a favourite past time of Richard’s, having done it in almost every country that he has visited, he insits it’s always so different, even if you go to the same place twice. Whether you are relaxing on calm water, riding a hectic rapid, paddling with snorkel gear, or surfing a wave, every time you get on a kayak, there is something different to enjoy. With a choice of single or double kayaks there’s fun to be had for the whole family. Jade heartily agrees, as this video shows!
WATCHOnce upon a time, 16th to 18th October 2009 to be precise, we chose to celebrate the 90th birthday of Linda’s mother Sylvia at Sea Gypsy. The problem was Sylvia hated boats for many reasons but mostly because they ruined her hair! So a very good friend of Daniel’s sent his helicopter to transport her up and down, for a birthday present. As you can see she and her grandchildren landed on the beach in great style. Family and friends from all over enjoyed a magical weekend.
Three years later the helicopter was back and this time stayed overnight, having landed & parked in a clearing. Over a few Tigers that evening Richard asked the pilot if anyone had ever jumped out of the helicopter into the sea. I’m not sure what the reply was but the next day saw Richard doing just that. The last minute advice from the pilot was “don’t jump up, just step out!”.