We still have some rooms for Thaipusam! Pay for Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th February and get Monday 10th Februay FREE OF CHARGE! Thaipusam public holiday is on Tuesday 11th February 2025.!
Don’t forget to come and revel in all things pirate with us on Saturday 22nd February!
PIRATE DAYGet a 20% discount on any booking by referring a friend!
Calling all retired airline employees, you can also take advantage of our Airline Employee special offer!
Click on the link below for information on all our 2025 Special offers
SPECIAL OFFERSWe all know about keeping our bodies healthy with five fruit or veg per day. Well, much like our bodies need care, so does our environment! Therefore the Sea Gypsies are initiating our own Five A Day concept, especially just after the North West monsoon when the prevailing currents bring all the seaborne rubbish from as far away as China. In other words, if everyone picks up five pieces of rubbish a day, very soon, our beach will once again be back to its natural beauty and stay that way!
WATCHOnce upon a time, a long time ago (but we’re almost certain if was January 1997) the heavens opened and there was what could only be described as a deluge of rain. It coincided with the day that Nancy and Linda were returning from Johor Bahru to Pulau Sibu with Richard, aged 4, and Jade, aged 3, in our Proton Wira. It didn’t take long to realise that we would never get through the flooded roads in the Proton but, pre mobile phones, we couldn’t inform the driver of the Ecovan, who had managed to clear the floods with all our luggage! After a night at the JB Pan Pacific, without pyjamas, we had no choice but to set off the following morning, as we had to prepare the resort for our Chinese New Year opening. To stand any chance of avoiding severe flooding we decided to go via Kluang. It took an agonizing 5.5 hours, made a thousand times worse because the only thing that kept Richard and Jade happy was listening to a 15 minute audiobook of the Three Little Pigs, which we ended up listening to 22 times! Arriving at Tanjong Leman beach (this was pre jetty) some very concerned men came running up to us saying we couldn’t possibly go out on a boat as “it was too dangerous for children”. The sea was indeed rough but onto the 40hp we piled to transfer at sea to an old wooden fishing boat, which was being thrown around by the waves. Installing ourselves in the cabin we set off and within a heartbeat Jade was sick all over herself. We handed her out to Malcolm (i.e. Rimba Malcolm, who 28 years ago was working at SG!) who carefully & gently cleaned Jadie up using his own tee shirt as a towel, put her PFD back on and handed her back. She promptly threw up again. After several repeats Malcolm’s ministrations were becoming a little less caring and a little more frenetic. Finally, in pure frustration, he gave up altogether and from then on simply held her up allowing the next wave hitting the boat to “wash her off”, much to the absolute delight of both children!
The photo is of R & J on the bum boat going to a wedding at the kampung, hence the attire!