Episode 8 – The Photos

December 2021, Episode 8
This episode is dedicated to my darling Michelle who passed away in October 2021. As verbose as I am I simply don’t have enough words to express my sorrow, especially as I hadn’t been able to see her since March 2020. No apologies for the delay in posting this, I see it was mid September when I finished writing episode 7. That was when we were given permission to open the resort on 1st October 2021 and since then it’s been all systems go. I spent the first five weeks of being open Read More...
Epidsode 7 – The Photos

Nana, Auntie Fay, Uncle Dick, Margaux with Loic, Linda, George, Helen, Alexandra with Jade, Rick with Richard. Read More...
September 2021, No. 7
I awoke to hear Jadie crying, sleepily I got up and went to the nursery to get her and make my way downstairs, thinking “it can’t be my turn again”. To this day I remember exactly which stair I was on, third one down, as my brain dropped into gear and I was jolted awake with the realisation that it would always be my turn from now on. There was no one else to take a turn, I was on my own and I had two tiny human beings totally reliant upon me. Why on earth had I encouraged Mummy to move to Florida? If she still had our lovely home in London I would have scooped the chiRead More...