Beach Front Lounge Bar

The Bar

You can enjoy the moonrise as you slowly sip your cocktail and unwind. We carry a large range of spirits and offer a huge assortment of cocktails.

We also offer an excellent selection of wine at very reasonable prices. (So leave that cold box at home, it's not worth the bother and we charge corkage!)

Our bar stocks a large selection of crisps, nuts, delicious home baked cookies, chocolate and even raisins. Plus soft whipped ice cream with a variety of toppings. (Once again don't bother to carry all that extra luggage with snacks. As a bonus it prevents little 'jungley creatures' enjoying the snacks you may have in your room!)

The bar is open as long as guests are still ordering drinks.

The Shop

Various sun-lotions and potions

A selection of essential toiletries & medical supplies

Postcards (or we can create personalized using bluetooth from your camera!)

T shirts, polo shirts, singlets & caps, all with the Resort or Dan's Nasty logos

Fins and Mask & Snorkel Sets, all imported from Australia