July 2021, No. 6
As I approached the curtains around Daniel’s bed I heard weeping, which confused me, as I knew I was the first of the family to return. Two of the intensive care nurses were saying goodbye to him. As I said, he’d been in ICU an unusually long time and they had come to care for him too much, despite the constant rotation of nurses to the ICU ward. Bless them. I stood looking at Daniel, all signs of machines and tubes and heaven knows what else removed. People came and went to say their goodbyes but I didn’t want to leave as leaving meant facing reality, facing the afterRead More...
Episode 5 – The Photos
Not many photos for this episode, I’m sure had the camera phone been around in those days I’d have tons of them from the hospital! I mention our wedding and Daniel’s father so just thought I’d post these two.

May 2021, No. 5
Apparently this is now a bi monthly blog. Procrastination is defined as “the action of delaying or postponing something” and I am an Olympic gold medalist procrastinator. What begins as a task needing to be done becomes a bête noire living in the corner of my office, growing daily, until it becomes feared and avoided. Finally the day comes it has to be faced and the ridiculous thing is the task is very often either easily done or extremely interesting once I get into it and furthermore enjoyable, so why do I do it? I have no idea and I wish I were different but it was Read More...
Episode 4 – The Photos
March 2021, No. 4
Missed the blog deadline again, sorry. However, this time it’s because I don’t quite know how to undertake writing about 1994. To quote Mr. Dickens: “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times”, the best being the birth of our darling daughter Jade and the worst being Daniel’s untimely and tragic demise. I appear to have two main methods of dealing with what the universe throws at me; firstly I have developed an irreverent sense of humour and secondly I use what I call the ostrich method of life, that is I bury my head in the sand and simply carry on regRead More...
Love reading your blog and this episode is one I recall so well. You’ve penned it all so very well. When I read these it just like you’re telling me in person as we always did over a bottle of bubbles or wine. 💕
Oh Linda, I came across the Sibu newsletter in my junk mail this morning as I was having coffee and felt compelled to open it and see what is happening over there.
Then I stumbled across your blog and have just read from episode 1 onwards.
So much for my days plans, I just couldn’t stop reading every word and it is now after lunch.
Thanks for putting your amazing life into words and sharing your story in more detail as heartbreaking as it must have been for you to do so.
Fond memories of our many weeks/ends at Seagypsy affording Logan the opportunity to run wild (as he did) and be a kid.
Much love to Richard, Jade and yourself x
lovely to hear from you jodie, soooo many great memories! x